Every day at 9pm, you can spot him on TimesNow conducting a wild and furious discussion on your TV sets, applying all the powers his vocal cords have. The debate is not as wild as it looks like but it is just him who turns the volume up. Yes, I am here talking about Mr. Arnab Goswami, Editor in chief of the channel.
He came, he saw, he shouted, he shouted again, he thought he conquered and he left. This is a daily schedule of Mr. Goswami on show called ‘NewsHour’ .
The basic concept of the show is to conduct a discussion cum debate on certain topic between politicians or different parties and sometimes some celebs participate too. But the twist comes in the scenario when this show is actually conducted by a person who possesses some extra ordinary skills of journalism, influencing powers and a great grip over facts and figures. The panelists of the discussion may speak for or against the topic but Mr. Goswami always stays against everything they say.
The most interesting part of the show generally has the loudest range of voice, where Mr. Goswami has already proved half of panelists guilty of being on the show and claimed that all the questions he is asking in on behalf of India, as he keeps saying that. I have seen many of his episodes (and trust me I am still alive) and as per my observation, this guy, Mr, Goswami is not against any political party (yet), unlike Rajdeep Sardesai and Barkha Dutt. No one can identify which side he is speaking from but we can clearly see how brilliantly he puts his words in someone else’s mouth and make him say what he should not say on television. He has a great power of manipulating an individual and that’s exactly what he making a use of.
In a discussion it is important to prove your point, but when the discussion needs the oxygen of TRP, it is even more important to neglect other’s point or simply just don’t give them a chance to speak or prove their point. Here are some top phrases, that Mr. Goswami uses during debate to lower the volume of rest of penalists and to prove that he still holds a full control on the show:
- Nation needs an answer tonight…
- India wants to know…
- One minute, Ek minute, One second, One.. One.. One.. Minute…
- I wont let you politicize this time…
- You can’t get away like this…
- We don’t have much time…
- We have a caller… We have a caller…
- I’ll get back to you on this… but before that…
- I am worried, I am concerned and I don’t agree…
- I am asking this question tonight on newshour to you…
And the best part is that the show has no specific finish time. The show begins 9pm but lasts till Mr. Goswami is enjoying. You can clearly see that the time when every penalists are totally pissed off and are about to grab Mr. Goswami’s collar, he declares a wrap up, thank everyone to be on the show and camera goes off. Sometimes the show lasts 50 minutes that’s like “News 50 minutes” instead of “NewsHour”.
Personally, I am now offcially a fan of Mr. Arnab Goswami. Not because his show enlightened me, not because he proved the system wrong, not because he influenced me to bring a revolution but because of the skills he have (that actually every journalist should posses) and also because of the guts he have to blame (and sometimes spoil the image of) any person of what he has done, live on television, who is already holding great powers politically. There are few things that apparently make him look loud and weird but those are actually essential for his profession and to establish oneself as a star journalist, in the nation where a star can be either a film actor or a cricket player. No doubt he is a well know name now, otherwise the brand like Flipkart wouldn't have conducted a huge campaign of a kid mocking Arnab Goswami's style.